Use this form to order Konica photo specialty items not listed on your Software of the Month Club® Film Club Mailer. Please fill in your name, address and phone number along with the items and quantities you wish to order and then include this order form in your Film Club Mailer. It’s that simple! For additional photo product information call Konica’s KQPW Customer Service Department at 1 (800) 955-6642 or (714) 549-0500. Please write Special Order Form Enclosed on the outside of your Film Club Mailer. Name ______________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________ City _____________________ State ________________ Zip _____________ Telephone ( ) ___________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Cost Quantity Total _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Sub Total _____________ UT, WA, CA Residents add 7.75% Sales Tax _____________ Shipping & Handling _____________ Total _____________